lunes, 9 de febrero de 2015

El calentamiento global

El celentamiento global es  en la temperatura en la tierra y el mar , han visto el el siglo xx esta temperatura a aumentado al 8 grado centigrado a ocurrido el en año 1980. El las ultima decada ha sido sucesivamente mas calida en la superficie terrestre.

jueves, 22 de mayo de 2014

Hello Sponsor

Hello my mame is Jaime Ruiz. Im 11 years old.  
I am on 7th course . I live in Chongón with my family. I have 3 sisters. I have a pet called "Federico".
My favorite food is "seco de pollo". I like to eat ice cream. My favorite sport is soccer. I like go to the beach.
I have friends is the school, we play soccer. My favorite subjet is Physical Education.
When I finish school I would like to become a football player. I would like you to come to visit my country to meet you.

My friend Johan (left) and me.